Sunday, March 27, 2011

Tested and found KLASS*

Well, at least that is what I am assuming. My harshest critic "thoroughly enjoyed" reading my thesis exam, and I figure, if you can get a historian of the Soviet experience of WWII and survival-economy black market structures – who writes her class tests with a punitive eye (her phrasing) – to thoroughly enjoy an exam response, you're pretty much set.

So now I just have a thesis to go. And piles of grading. But spring term has yet to start, so I am going to revel in pretend freedom for one more day. *revelrevelrevelrevel*

Thus far, my reveling has consisted of returning two dozen Russianish books to the school library, taking out two dozen fun books out from the public library, making and eating a reduced (size, not taste) recipe of Muddy Buddies, and looking like a loon laughing out loud to the WILL GRAYSON, WILL GRAYSON audiobook while walking around Eugene. Happily, the key to that last thing is that I am in Eugene: there are far, far crazier people on any given sidewalk than I ever could be.

Also, I have been creaking back into my WIPs. For all the flurry of ideas that stormed in my brain over the last two+ weeks of forced hiatus, I am not finding my return to be easy. I love what I have, but I'm kind of annoyed that I actually have to work to move anything forward. WORK IS SO OVERRATED.

So instead of anything pithy to say about writing, I want to give you all this:

This started as a joke in an email to my ridiculously hipster friend going to grad school in Malmö (these feather extensions are EVERYWHERE in Eugene, and we can't be the only ones), but once I saw these videos, it became worryingly less silly.

I mean, this is SILLY:

But all the blatant silliness somehow kind of... works?

What if I get feather extensions, you guys? I'm a little worried this might maybe happen. Even though it absolutely, absolutely should not.

... or should it?

GAH. BacktowritingWIP.

Also, enjoy Russian slang:

*as defined by my favorite fingertip dictionary, Multitran:

 класс! сущ. в начало
  Майкрософт Wow!
  сл. stunningthe nertzthe nutskick ass

(but I will not go a step further and try to figure out what "the nertz" means. WE ALL NEED SOME MYSTERY.)

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